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Feb 262020

At a Feb. 26 club assembly reviewing 2019-2020 accomplishments to date, Capital Rotary   president Abby Naas Flynn shared these highlights:

  1. Collected 42 units of blood from 38 donors, including six first-timers, in the yearly summer blood drive.
  2. Continued sponsoring the University of South Carolina’s Rotaract Club; introduced a mentorship program involving students and Rotarians.
  3. Donated free paperback dictionaries to third-graders in Richland District One schools; enlisted Rotaract to provide dictionaries to Richland District Two’s third grades.
  4. Worked with youngsters in the new EarlyAct club established at St. Peter’s Catholic School.
  5. Continued assisting local college students with four-year, $5,000 annual scholarship awards.
  6. Adopted a Columbia-area family and provided holiday gifts in the 2019 Midlands Families Helping Families Christmas program.
  7. Initial planning for a Little Free Library to be set up at W.A. Perry Middle School in Richland District One.
  8. Began a Discover Rotary program to help attract new members.
  9. Continued weekly participation in the Meals on Wheels food delivery program.
  10. Planned April 2020 participation in Rise Against Hunger, a project to pack and distribute food to people in developing nations.
  11. Continued support for The Rotary Foundation (funds world understanding and peace programs) and the CART program (Coins for Alzheimer’s Research Trust).
  12. Publicized club activities with 31 website and social media posts; reached 2,000 people through social media; had 1,357 website visitors; had 30 postings on District 7770’s website and newsletters; 81 press releases/photos posted by local media; and seven monthly recaps e-mailed to members.

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