Feb 262020
At a Feb. 26 club assembly reviewing 2019-2020 accomplishments to date, Capital Rotary president Abby Naas Flynn shared these highlights:
- Collected 42 units of blood from 38 donors, including six first-timers, in the yearly summer blood drive.
- Continued sponsoring the University of South Carolina’s Rotaract Club; introduced a mentorship program involving students and Rotarians.
- Donated free paperback dictionaries to third-graders in Richland District One schools; enlisted Rotaract to provide dictionaries to Richland District Two’s third grades.
- Worked with youngsters in the new EarlyAct club established at St. Peter’s Catholic School.
- Continued assisting local college students with four-year, $5,000 annual scholarship awards.
- Adopted a Columbia-area family and provided holiday gifts in the 2019 Midlands Families Helping Families Christmas program.
- Initial planning for a Little Free Library to be set up at W.A. Perry Middle School in Richland District One.
- Began a Discover Rotary program to help attract new members.
- Continued weekly participation in the Meals on Wheels food delivery program.
- Planned April 2020 participation in Rise Against Hunger, a project to pack and distribute food to people in developing nations.
- Continued support for The Rotary Foundation (funds world understanding and peace programs) and the CART program (Coins for Alzheimer’s Research Trust).
- Publicized club activities with 31 website and social media posts; reached 2,000 people through social media; had 1,357 website visitors; had 30 postings on District 7770’s website and newsletters; 81 press releases/photos posted by local media; and seven monthly recaps e-mailed to members.