In my 25 years as a Rotarian, I observed that there seem to be two primary reasons that people become Rotarians. Some join because they see it primarily as a networking opportunity, and they accept that there is a service obligation that comes with membership. Others join because the ideals of Rotary – integrity, compassion for others and service above self appeal to their core being, and to them, the networking is secondary. Don Babb is clearly one of the latter. He epitomized these ideals long before becoming a Rotarian, and his membership was simply another way of doing what he already did.
More often than not, the first word that will be used to describe Don by anyone who knows is integrity. While I have been blessed to know many people whose values were strong, many in the Capital Rotary Club, there is no one whose integrity and personal values are more evident than Don’s. Because of this, his wisdom and his generosity of spirit, I asked him to be the only outside board member of my company years ago. During the years, when we had difficult issues to deal with, Don would always, in his subtle way, bring clarity by asking the fundamental question of “What is the right thing to do?” Pretty simple – just the Four Way Test boiled down to seven words. It is who he is.
Don and Carolyn’s compassion and generosity has long been evident through their becoming Rotary Foundation Major Donors, through the fact that they are both multiple Paul Harris Fellows and by their unselfish giving and leadership in the charitable projects that the Capital Rotary Club has undertaken.
For all of this Don, we thank you, we appreciate you and we are thankful to have had you in our lives.
– Ancel Hamilton