Jun 202018
At a year-end assembly to review some of Capital Rotary’s 2017-2018 accomplishments, outgoing president Blake DuBose thanked members for achievement that included:
- Adding six new members.
- Donating 936 free dictionaries to third-graders in 14 Richland County District One schools.
- Awarding two college scholarships to deserving high school students.
- Reaching 110% of the club’s Rotary Foundation donations goal (total contributions $12,933).
- Adding 20 new Rotary Foundation Benefactors ($1,000 donation via will) in the past month; 95% of members are now Benefactors.
- Donating $8,000 to aid natural disaster victims in Texas, Florida, Puerto Rico and Mexico.
- More than doubling the goal for PolioPlus contributions (total of $3,480).
- Several club members are organizing a Columbia-area CART (Coins for Alzheimer’s Research Trust) gala to raise money for medical research.
- Sponsoring Christmas gifts for two families through the Families Helping Families organization.
- Holding five social events promoting member fellowship.
- Interaction with student leaders of the University of South Carolina’s Rotaract Club.
- Continuing community service projects – Meals on Wheels delivery and volunteering at Harvest Hope Food Bank.
- Excellent presentations at weekly club meetings, thanks to speakers committee efforts.
- Collecting 65 units of blood at the annual Red Cross Blood Drive. In the past seven years, the club has collected over 516 units of blood, impacting more than 1,548 lives.
- Rotary District 7770 “Four-Way Test Award” nomination for past president David Boucher.
- A District “Service Above Self Award” for public relations committee chair Pete Pillow.
- A District “Public Image Award” and a leadership citation for the club.
- Reporting on club activities with70 website and social media posts; reaching 8,460 people through social media; 2,251 website visitors; 65 postings on District 7770’s website and newsletters; 91 press releases posted by local media; and 11 monthly club activity recaps e-mailed to members.
2018-2019 Leadership
New 2018-2019 officers and directors for Capital Rotary were sworn into office on June 20. Pictured are (from left) Jack Williamson, at-large director and sergeant at arms; Ben Carlton, secretary; Andy Markl, at-large director; Abby Naas, president-elect; Neda Beal, at-large director and service chair; Gloria Saeed, membership chair; Paul Gillam and Ione Cockrell, at-large directors; Philip Flynn, president; Blake DuBose, past president and Rotary Foundation chair; and Bryan Goodyear, treasurer.