Capital Rotary marked the 2020 observance of World Polio Day on Oct. 24 with a Purple Pinkie Polio Power video – a special online project to promote awareness about polio and about End Polio Now, an ongoing international campaign to eradicate the disease through mass immunization. Clubs in District 7770 were encouraged to produce videos and post them. The district is made up of about 80 clubs and 5,000 Rotarians in 25 eastern counties of the state. Capital Rotary’s video was recorded by club member Sean Powers, narrated by immediate past president Abby Naas and edited by Blake DuBose, who served as president in 2017-2018. The video was scripted by public relations chairman Pete Pillow. It can be viewed on Capital Rotary’s Facebook page. World Polio Day is an annual event that honors the late Dr. Jonas Salk – developer of one of the first successful polio vaccines.