Our speaker this Wednesday will be Mrs. Inez Tenenbaum, former Chair of Consumer Product Safety Commission. Mrs. Tenenbaum was elected South Carolina’s State
Superintendent of Education in 1998 and completed her second term in 2007. During her tenure as South Carolina’s State Superintendent of Education, student achievement in South Carolina improved at the fastest rate in the nation, with scores increasing on every state, national, and international test administered. At the end of Mrs. Tenenbaum’s tenure, the prestigious journal Education Week ranked South Carolina number one in the country for the quality of its academic standards, assessment, and accountability systems.
She previously practiced health, environmental, and public interest law with the firm Sinkler & Boyd, P.A. Before attending law school, Mrs. Tenenbaum served as the director of research for the Medical, Military, Public and Municipal Affairs Committee of the South Carolina House of Representatives. She carried out the Committee’s responsibilities for all legislation relating to public health, the environment, child welfare, social services, adult and juvenile corrections, state military affairs, and local government. Mrs. Tenenbaum served as special counsel to the McNair Law Firm in the area of public school finance prior to being nominated by the President.
Mrs. Tenenbaum received her Bachelor of Science in 1972 and Master of Education degree in 1974 from the University of Georgia and her law degree in 1986 from the University of South Carolina. She is the recipient of several honorary degrees and has been recognized by numerous state and community organizations for her civic work on behalf of children and families.