Our speaker on Wednesday morning, August 26th was Mr. Christopher (Chris) Hinchey, Head of School at Heathwood Hall Episcopal School. Mr. Hinchey has served in this role since the spring of 2015. He started his career in education as a science teacher, basketball and baseball coach, advisor, and dorm parent in 1991 at Avon Old Farms, an all-boys boarding school in Connecticut. In 1994, he transitioned to Salisbury School (CT), an all-boys Episcopal boarding school, where he remained for 19 years while serving as a biology teacher, Dean of Students, Dean of Faculty, and head varsity basketball, assistant varsity baseball coach, and varsity cross country coach. Chris served as the varsity boys’ basketball coach for 12 years, during which time his team, while recording over 170 wins, advanced to nine New England tournaments and made two trips to the New England finals.
Chris grew up in Norwich, CT and attended Norwich Free Academy. He played basketball and baseball in high school, and he served as the captain of the basketball team while earning all-area honors. Following high school, he attended Trinity College in Hartford, CT, where he played Division III basketball for four years in the NESCAC while earning his bachelor’s degree in biology. In 1991 Chris served as the team’s co-captain. Chris earned a master’s degree in liberal studies from Wesleyan University (CT) and a M.S. Ed in educational leadership from the University of Pennsylvania (PA). Chris’s research at UPenn examined the overlap teaching and coaching techniques utilized by successful varsity coaches that also taught high level (AP) and rigorous academic classes. He and his wife, Heather, reside in Columbia, and they have three children, Ryan, Jack, and Will, all students at Heathwood Hall.