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Oct 032019

Rotary clubs in the Columbia area have launched an EarlyAct Club at St. Peter’s Roman Catholic School.  EarlyAct is a service organization for elementary students ages 5 to 13.  It   develops character and leadership skills closely linked to the ideals of Rotary International.  Capital Rotary member EJ Newby (left in photo) helped to distribute EarlyAct pins at St. Peter’s recent kickoff meeting.  Each EarlyActor also received a membership card explaining the Four-Way Test used by Rotarians worldwide as a moral code for the things we think, say or do in personal and business relationships.  Students will undertake various service projects during the school year and will be donating their spare change to support the CART (Coins for Alzheimer’s Research Trust) Fund.  This initiative began in South Carolina over 20 years ago and has since been adopted by Rotary clubs throughout the United States.  All of its donations go toward grants for research aimed at preventing or finding a cure for Alzheimer’s disease.


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