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Sep 202017

Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Company backs community improvement outreach efforts in education, arts and culture, and health and wellness.  The Columbia-based firm and its employees had a positive local impact topping $2.4 million in 2016, including over $700,000 in employee giving and more than 11,000 hours of volunteer time for charitable organizations.  That’s according to president and CEO Tim Arnold – flanked by Capital Rotary members Matthew Pollard (left) and Frank Rutkowski (right) – the club’s Sept. 20 guest speaker. Arnold said Colonial Life is especially proactive in school programs such as Junior Achievement, literacy and mentoring, and educator leadership training.  These demonstrate the company is a corporate good neighbor committed to student achievement and preparation of a future workforce.  Arnold earned a bachelor’s degree in management and a master’s in business administration degree in finance from the University of Tennessee-Chattanooga.  He joined Colonial Life in July 2011.



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