Our speaker on Wednesday morning March 4th was Mr. Michael Briggs, CEO of Central SC Alliance. Since 1997, Mike Briggs has been the President and CEO of the Central South Carolina Alliance, a regional public-private partnership dedicated to representing the economic development efforts of the nine counties in the Central Region of South Carolina. Born in High Point, North Carolina, Mike came to Columbia in 1972 to attend the University of South Carolina receiving a BA in English in 1974. For the next few years Mike pursued graduate studies and taught at USC in the Government and International Studies Department, receiving a Master’s Degree in Political Science.
After completing course work and examinations toward the Ph.D., Mike left the University in 1981 to pursue a career at Anchor Continental Inc., a manufacturing company in Columbia. Mike lives in Columbia with his wife, Lilla Ann, and they have four daughters. Throughout his years in Columbia, Mike has been actively involved in Shandon United Methodist Church as well as numerous civic and professional organizations.