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Sep 132018

The Alzheimer’s Association-South Carolina Chapter’s vision for the future is a world without the dreaded disease of dementia.  Taylor Wilson (shown with Rotarian Tony Thompson), chapter director of communications and advocacy, was Capital Rotary’s guest speaker on Sept. 12.  She detailed the statewide group’s work to educate, support and advance critical research for treating, preventing and, ultimately, curing Alzheimer’s.  The chapter also promotes the needs and rights of patients and caregivers.  Wilson said 89,000 South Carolinians have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s; there are 309,000 caregivers in the state.  South Carolina’s death rate from Alzheimer’s is the nation’s highest and went up by 180% in the past year.  Wilson lauded Rotary for its support of CART – the Coins for Alzheimer’s Research Trust – a project started in 1996 to provide funds for cutting edge research to cure Alzheimer’s disease.  Wilson joined the Alzheimer’s Association staff three years ago and has spent the last 10 years working with non-profits around the Midlands area.  She is a 2007 graduate of the University of South Carolina’s Darla Moore School of Business.

Taylor Wilson

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